<Paleo Commentary - AAPS Journal
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The Commentary section contains articles covering trends in the fossil industry, the museum field, and academia. JPS welcomes fresh perspectives from diverse professional and scientific backgrounds. Submissions undergo review to ensure clarity of thought, writing style, and the strength of their argumentation.

Select an article title below to read the publication in PDF format. If your browser has problems opening the document, please right click on the link, and "Save Document as..." to your computer, and try opening it with Adobe Acrobat Reader.


15 January 2022
"The New Bone Wars"
George F. Winters, Administrative Director, Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

15 January 2022
"The Future of Museums is Small"
Andree Lujan, owner of Paleotex, LLC,

15 March 2016
"Death of Discovery">
Glade Gunther

15 March 2016
"Forgery, From Fendi To Fossils"
Bill Merz, CEO of Documex, President of the Hiltonia Association,

10 October 2014
"What commercial fossil dealers contribute to the science of paleontology"
Larson et al

10 October 2014
"Fossil Specimens Placed in Museums and Universities by Commercial Paleontology"
George F. Winters, Administrative Director, Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

6 March 2014
"Lost To Science"
Walter W. Stein- President, PaleoAdventures. 2519 5th Ave. Belle Fourche, SD 57717. stein151@earthlink.net , 605-892-2634.

6 March 2014
"A Summary of the 10th North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC) 2014"
Walter W. Stein- President, PaleoAdventures. 2519 5th Ave. Belle Fourche, SD 57717. stein151@earthlink.net , 605-892-2634.

5 June 2013
"International Fossil Laws"
George F. Winters, Administrative Director, Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

Fossil Ivory BanInternational Fossil LawsThe PaleontographAAPS
URL: https://www.aaps-journal.org/aaps-commentary.html
Last Updated: January 25, 2025
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